About me
My name is Clara - rhymes with Sarah (Millican) not Lara (Croft). I am Mummy to two lovely boys, who are 2 and 5, and being a Singing Mamas leader allows me to work flexibly so I can spend as much time with them as possible. I have regular groups in Henlow and Biggleswade, as well as occasional special events and retreats.
I have been involved with Singing Mamas as a participant for several years, attending groups in Hertfordshire, and I have lived experience of how beneficial involvement can be. In the midst of the pandemic, with a toddler and a newborn, isolated from family and friends, I struggled with my mental health. During this time, joining online Songline workshops, and then once lockdown restrictions allowed, singing with Emma’s group in Letchworth, Singing Mamas truly was a lifeline for me. Knowing first-hand the positive impact singing together has on wellbeing, my aim is to grow a community for women to sing together, create friendships, and find the support network we all need, whatever our situation.
My background has always been in music and theatre, working for charities and non-profit arts organisations that champion inclusion and support wellbeing. For the last nine years, I have worked with Chickenshed, and prior to that I worked for British Youth Music Theatre, Mind the Gap Theatre Company, and as a freelance arts practitioner leading musical theatre, singing and drama workshops with children and young people.
About Singing Mamas sessions
Singing together acts as a natural anti-depressant and is scientifically proven to improve health and wellbeing. How great is that? As mums, and as women, we often put our own needs last. Singing Mamas is an hour and a half of self-care, where you can do something for you. You're welcome to bring babies and children with you, and being surrounded by song benefits their development in so many ways. One of my favourite things is the look of absolute wonder on the little ones’ faces when they hear a beautiful harmony.
We're all about singing for joy, community, and connection, not perfection! We learn gorgeous, simple harmony songs and rounds by ear. No auditions, no sheet music, no pressure - just the magic of group singing. We support new mums, but being a mum is not essential, we are a welcoming and friendly space for all women, at any age and stage of life. As well as singing nourishing and uplifting songs, the groups are an opportunity to connect with others and make new friends. There's always time for a cuppa, some cake, and a check in with each other around the circle.
About Singing Mamas across the UK and beyond
“We want a world where everyone sings, and singing nourishes people and communities.”
Singing Mamas is a national movement for maternal wellbeing. It is a not-for-profit organisation that trains and supports women to deliver grassroots singing activities, as well as working in partnership with health services to deliver specialist projects and singing on prescription services. We are a network of over 150 women across the UK and beyond. You can find out about Singing Mamas’ work nationally here.